Sponsor one of the 2017 players. Calling all Local Businesses and Companies. Do you want to get involved in Byron Bay Rugby this season? We have launched our Player Sponsorship programme where local businesses can sponsor one of our 1st Grade players. For as little as $300 for the 2017 season, you can sponsor one of your favourite players this season. What’s included:
- Company logo on www.byronbayrugby.com.au under sponsored players profile picture.
- Link to company website on www.byronbayrugby.com.au
- Business announced when player scores, comes onto the pitch etc during the game.
- Invitation to members day & sponsors VIP tent for selected home games.
- Free tickets to Byron Bay Rugby events.
- Any specials or campaigns you may have shared across our social network.
If you are interested, please email Andy Teuma ac.teuma@gmail.com with your company details and which player you wish to sponsor. The first game to see the new players is Saturday 25th March Byron Bay Rugby vs Ballina – Recreation Grounds, Marvell St, 15:15 KO Free Entry, Canteen open from 13:00. Family Friendly, Reserve Grade 13:30 KO #GoTheBay